Welcome, Arabic Hand Talk

We are students in the graduation year of computer engineering at Shorouk Academy we present to you our graduation project

About Project

Our project helps people who suffer from hearing and speech loss and helps them to communicate with the community normally, whether communication is in the field or through the Internet through video chat.


Hold your hand in front of your webcam to get real-time hand landmarker detection.
Click enable webcam below and grant access to the webcam if prompted.

Video Chat

Group Video Call

A sign language detector in video calls is a technology that can recognize sign language gestures made by a user during a video call and convert them into text for the other participants in real-time.

Try Now

Technologies used

Python 90%

TensorFlow 80%

HTML 75%

CSS 80%

JavaScript 85%

Team Members

Mustafa El-Shrief

Sorfware Engineer, Team Leader

Omar Mohamed

Sorfware Engineer

Omar Abo El-Qasem

Sorfware Engineer

Eslam Ahmed

Sorfware Engineer

Thank You